Free Presentation Software for Children’s Ministry

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at

A great way to enhance your children’s worship or children’s church is by using a projector and presentation software. You can show lyrics to praise and worship songs. You can show promo videos for upcoming children’s ministry events. You can present hilarious videos that will give your kids belly aches from laughing so hard. Lots of options are on the table when you can get a projector, a computer, and a good presentation software.

Votive Praise has a listing of 12 FREE presentation software programs that are sure to help your budget. Check out the article for a full description of the programs, or you can just click on the links below to go to the programs.

1. Exposong

2. EasySlides

5. Songview
12. Asaph
*Children’s Ministry Network does not endorse any of the above programs.
Has anyone tried to use any of these programs? If so, let us know what you think in the comment section below.
Easiest, Least Painful Way to Tie Water Balloons

Easiest, Least Painful Way to Tie Water Balloons

Last summer, I was planning our water fun day for our children’s ministry and bought several packs of water balloons to prepare for the fun day. The kids love it. We all have fun. But I am left with blisters on my hands from looping knots of dozens of small water balloons.

Long story made short….my son gets sick. I make a midnight run to Kroger. As I am heading out the door I see a discount section. I’m not sure if the intercom said “clean up on aisle three” or if I heard an angelic choir but for 99 cents each I saw an item that my hands would thank me for many years to come.


Tie Knot Water Balloons. It is quick. It is easy. And it ties the balloons for you, as well as helps you fill the water balloon up.

My time was cut drastically. My hands were pain free.

Watch the video. You’ll see how easy it is.

Here is a link to Think Geek for $5 per tool. You might go ahead and grab two or three so that you don’t get stuck doing them all yourself. Now you can tie water balloons in a shorter amount of time and enjoy it more!

Free Childrens Ministry Resource- Communication Template

Here is your next free childrens ministry resource to help you minister to children and families for effectively and efficiently.

communication template pic web

Communication Template


Communication is key. Families want to be informed and you want to give every chance you can for a child to be involved with your ministry.


This children’s ministry communication template can be updated weekly and altered in any way you desire. It is a Microsoft Publisher file. You may choose to only use one side of the hand out. We have moved to that most of the time because if it is on both sides, then when they put it on the fridge you can only see one. If you do use both sides, put the most important information on front.

We do not print in color just to save money. A black and white sheet costs us 1 cent. A color sheet costs 7 cents. It doesn’t seem like it adds up, but it does. Instead we print black and white onto colored paper. It adds a little something to the image.

Comment below letting us know if this helps and how you are using it.

Kidmin People- Maria Brannen

Kidmin People is an interview with various people in Children’s Ministry.

This week’s Kidmin People is a spotlight on one of our Georgia Baptist Missionaries, Maria Brannen. She is here in Georgia help you to equip our churches with resources to disciple our kids. Many of you met Maria at our Children’s Ministry Networking event this past March in Warner Robins. Feel free to connect with her again soon.


Maria Brannen

Maria Brannen


1)  Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

I have had the privilege of serving as a GBC State Missionary for 15 years.  Before serving at GBC, I served on church staffs in Georgia and Texas for a total of over 25 years of ministry.  I am currently also serving as interim Children’s Minister at my church.  I have been married to my wonderful husband and ministry support partner Roger Brannen for 23 years.  We have 2 boys Tyler (17 ½) and Kyle (12 ½).  We are a homeschooling family and live in Bethlehem, Ga.  My interests are photography, reading, scrapbooking, and card making.  I grew up in Gray, Georgia.  I graduated from Georgia College and Southwestern Seminary.


2)  Why might a children’s ministry leader contact you?

Ministry areas that I can assist churches with are:  Preschool and Children’s Discipleship (resources and strategies), Children and Salvation (The journey of introducing a Child to Christ); New Christian resources/helps for Children; Family Discipleship; Bible Drill; TeamKID; Student Speakers Competition


3) What resources and assistance could you offer for churches in regards to children’s ministry?

With the above areas – we can offer resources, consultations, conferences (we are available to provide training for churches and associations), State-wide Bible Drill Retreat.


Here are a few ways Children’s Ministers can connect with us:


Facebook – Discipleship-Spiritual Renewal Ministries

Blog –

Pinterest – Bible Drill – Georgia Baptist Convention

Web –

Trends Tips and Thoughts in Children’s Ministry May 17, 2013

Trends Tips Thoughts in Childrens Ministry


Trends, Tips, and Thoughts is a weekly roundup of good articles to read for personal and professional development in children’s ministry and leadership.


“Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD” -Psychology Today

Different classification systems. Different parental structure. Different approach. But is there really a difference? Let us know your thoughts below.


“Abercrombie and Fitch Become Clothing Choice of Homeless” – Relevant Magazine

Fitch is no stranger when it comes to appalling adults everywhere with trying to get young children to dress with as little as possible. Recently the owner of A & F make a bold statement saying his clothing are made only for “cool kids.” One daring soul decided to make A & F the brand of people that didn’t quite make the “cool” cut.


“Seven Behaviors Your Kids are Guaranteed to Copy” – Confessions of a Parent

Kids don’t just “become.” They are shaped.


Feel free to comment below on insights from the articles above.


*Children’s Ministry Network does not necessarily endorse the articles presented. Rather, they are presented for thought, development, and dialogue.